Friday 25 January 2013

mass effect 3 & dead space 3

Looking to set Issac Clarke up with some unique gear when "Dead Space 3" hits next month? Well, EA recently revealed that players who own a copy of "Mass Effect 3" will be able to do just that. Just make sure you have a ME3 save file stored on your hard drive.

Commander Shepherd's armor appears to be intact for the most part, though slight modifications have been made to incorporate Issac's helmet. Also, as you can see in the photo above, co-op character John Carver gets some N7 duds of his own, sporting a flashy red tint.

There's no word yet on what exactly the armor will do for players, other than look cool, but if past cross-game promotions from EA are any indication, players are sure to gain something from the "Mass Effect 3"-inspired uniform.

"Dead Space 3" hits Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on February 5th. If you want to see the Dead Space 3 N7 armor in action before that, check out the video below.

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